Server Rules
SMPOnlinePlease Seasonnote 4
Officialthe Detailed Rules
The clarificationscontents of theour rules specified below are notNOT all-inclusive. Moderation action canmay be taken at any time ifas necessaryneeded to maintain a fun, chill server environment. BanSome durationpunishments canmay benot lessenedpertain uponto appealany rule perfectly, if deemedat tooall, harsh.especially Theseduring rulesevents.
It's your responsibility to keepstay up to up-to-date with themour here.
[NO ORBITING] Let Carson and his friends play the game
You should betrouble on the serverserver, so keep it chill and to play,a notminimum toas watchmuch theas streamerpossible.
Hate Travelingcampaigning, tospreading locations near certain folks just to “watch them”rumors, or beotherwise nearpetty/toxic thembehavior is not allowed. If the individualThis is tryingup to playstaff the game, such as workdiscretion on awhat build,constitutes mine,each orof justthese enjoythings. theIn game,general, youbaseless need to leave them alone.
We enjoy folks running bits, but when the joke isn't landing (or people justaccusations aren't interested),cool. leaveWe themwill alone.not Bombardingand thehave streamernot withtaken attemptedreports bitsat isn'tface cool,value either.on this. If whoever you're trying to engage with is just on their own playing the game, please find a more appropriate time to interact unless you havedon't anlike actual reason tosomeone, do so.your Natural player interaction is perfectly fine.
Examples of orbiting behaviors:
Giving the streamer useless items with zero contextAbusing in-game mechanicsbest to avoidforcefield pushbackTracking the streamer down in the middle of nowhere to run a bitProviding unsolicited assistance, such as giving streamers a bunch of diamonds or good gearLurking around the streamer and essentially AFKing while they build or play the gameTrying to draw the stream's focus to yourself while something's already going on
Examples of acceptable behaviors:
Delivering items to the streamer that they were asking forBriefly visiting the area near where the streamer is playingDoing something interesting nearby the streamer, assuming it isn't annoying or disruptive
We're much more lax on this rule with folks that have already had positive or useful interactions with the streamer before. Please keep in mind that you're interacting with realthem people.on the server. Please report any behavior like this as soon as you notice it happening.
OrbitingIf cansomeone haveasks serious consequences for the community as it makes streamer interactions far less likelyyou to happen,stop reducingdoing thesomething, numberyou of players that may realistically know about or join the subserver. Pleaseshould do your partbest into helpingaccommodate thewithin communityreason. Being obnoxious is lame and will be treated as such by notstaff. being an orbiter!
TreatNo others with respect
Don'tWe bedo rudeallow toa otherlimited players.set Don'tof purposelygameplay-enhancing claimmods, otherwhich players’you buildscan orfind buildinfo tooabout closehere. toHowever, someonemost elsemods ifthat they'daffect prefergameplay to play on their own. You're not entitled to access to anyone's chunks, land, items, or attention.
Hate campaigning against certain players in the server isare not allowed. IfAnything someone’sthat beingconstitutes acheating jerk,(such pleaseas contactX-Ray, theSpeed staffHacks, andFlight letHacks, themAutoclickers, deal with it. Don’t make it your,Macros, or anyoneother elses,external problem.
Jokes about doxxing are not allowed, and we recommend avoiding conversations about it all together. Making doxx threats or doxxing someone is grounds for a full service ban - don't do it.
Do not harass players on this server - doing sotools) will result in a permanent ban. TheIf subservera ismod gives you more information than just what you could potentially remember (such as a cave finder or free cam), it should not thebe placeused.
Attempting to act upon your personal differences with others. Leave players alone if they do not wish to talk to / interact with you. If someone's upset with a joke scam you made, please refund them. “Hits” are only allowed if all parties involved are willingly participating.
Do your best to respectreverse the wishesworld of others, especially when you’ve chosen to live in a town. While we do not enforce town rules, we do ask that you respect the wishes of town members when building within close proximity or within a town. Intentionally antagonizing members of a townseed will result in punishment for parties involved - even if they’re town leadership.
Avoid building deep pits/quarries in the middle of active player towns - doing so may result in loss of claimed chunks or manual editing of your claim to blend it with the area. Don’t destroy town roads without permission from established town members.
Don’t overuse soundboards or “mic spam” music. You will be voice-muted if you’re annoying people.
These rules apply to all server members, including staff, so be nice in general :).
Don’t enforce rules yourself
All rules for the server are set by the management of the server (Carson, Matt, Loki). These rules are what are enforced by moderators, and are the rules you are currently reading. All other rules, such as town or city rules (“unofficial rules”), will not be enforced by subserver staff.
For any of your unofficial rules, you may not force people to comply. The following are guidelines for how to enforce your unofficial rules. Any enforcement should never require moderator involvement.
Things you are not allowed to do to enforce unofficial rules include…
threatening to kill them or any mobs of theirs, or actually doing soharassment of any kind, anywheresuggesting the mods will punish them if they do not comply“banning” people from your towntrapping players in claimed areas (a“jail”)immediately revoking access to subclaims containing their possessions/builds
Things you can do to enforce unofficial rules include…
allowing the individual to take their stuff, then removing access from their subclaimrequesting people follow your rules, but not in a persisting mannerrestricting access to certain town/city builds via the “interaction” flag
If someone is breaking any of the official rules, let them know, and if they continue to break the rule, make a ticket in our Discord. Do not take enforcement into your own hands. Contact online staff if someone is actively causing problems, or otherwise make a ticket.
Don’t make abusive claims
Our claim system requires the use of Creepa Coin to protect your land and valuables. This is to avoid “claim spam” by new members of the server. There are a few cases where claims can be inappropriate, however. Here are a few situations where a claim is inappropriate:
Claiming land exclusively to claim a mob spawnerClaiming a stronghold or ancient city and not allowing public accessClaiming all of (or a large portion of) the land around a town or baseClaiming all blocks down to the bottom of the world without legitimate reasonClaiming someone else’s build without permissionClaiming land at spawn just to sell it or offer it to other playersClaiming land and leaving the claim empty, without any chests or indication of activity (spam claims)
Our claim system protects your build from the sky limit to y=30 by default. You can adjust the depth of your claim by setting the “Lower Bound Y” of your claim to lower values, such as -10. However, you should not do this unless you’re using this space below your claim.
The point of this limit is to allow for mining and infrastructure creation (tunnels for minecarts and boats) without restriction. Claiming to bedrock for no reason is against the rules and will result in your claim being adjusted, or a warning/temporarypermanent ban if intentional.
Don’t misuse the claim system NEW
Our current claim system has many features, somelearn of which allow you to do certain things we don't strictly want you to do. When you make a claim, the claim should be for yourself and anyone else you plan to play on the server with. We want our claims to be easily transferable to other claim systems in the future without much hassle, so please follow these rules.
Here's an outline of what's acceptable and not acceptable with the claim system.
Examples of Correct Claim System Usage
Claiming land to build a baseClaiming land to build a small town with your friendsClaiming land for a build, shop, or something you plan to doClaiming land to reserve for future citizens of your town
Examples of Misuse of Claim System
Claiming land, offering it to new players, then granting them permissions for the claimInstead, remove the claim and pay the other player. Additionally, you may transfer claim ownership, but bear in mind that you will need to have them remove your permissions.
Claiming land to sell to other players for CC, items, etcThis isAbusive Claimingand can result in punishments.
Claiming land to reserve for your town too close to spawnIf you're within 50 chunks (800 blocks) of spawn, you're too close.
Maintaining claim ownership of random players claims and builds for any reasonOur claim system is on the server to prevent griefing. We don't want people who are effectively strangers to have build access to other people's stuff. Claims should be owned by who uses them, not random individuals.Note here that owning the claims to your friends bases is fine, this is only relevant for other folks.
These rules are in place to prevent numerous issues from arising that require moderator intervention, such as griefing, inactive claim owners causing problems, and other issues. We intend to, at some point, improve or replace our current claim system with something robust, specifically with features for selling, renting, or otherwise granting conditional claim perms (while maintaining ownership rights to revoke those permissions easily).
No Griefing or Stealing
Griefing includes destroying any player creations without prior moderator approval. Even unclaimed builds are protected under this rule.
Do not steal items from unclaimed chests, shulkersDo not trap players in their claims or build "junk" at the edges of their claims.Do not claim other people's builds and restrict their access.Do not block portals or create portal traps.Do not trap players in your claims.Do not flow water or lava into another player’s claims.Don't build trees adjacent to claims to spam leaves in their claim.Don't kill or steal other players’ mobs.Don’t kill other players to steal their items.This includes creating “traps” that cause players to unexpectedly die.
Don’t attack people unprovoked.Don’t randomly kill people.Being hit once or annoyed by a player is not an excuse to kill them. If they’re harassing you, report them in a ticket, preferably with video evidence.
Don't build anything intending to irritate, harass, or otherwise piss off another player.Don't make junk shops in the community market.Don't spam useless auctions.DO NOT create lava casts! No exceptionsDon’t buildintentionally bad-looking creationsinside of towns or within close proximity of other players.In general, stick to the aesthetic of the town. If people don’t like your build, move or reworkit.
Avoid blocking rivers and waterways with bridges or walls. The exception to this is when terraforming and simply getting rid of a river. The optimal gap is at least 1.5 blocks above the water to allow boats to travel comfortably below. Don’t leave temporary river-crossing bridges in the water.
Don’t build “awful looking” sky pathways/highways/railways. Designs that mirror real-life bridges or structures are allowed, but long, snaking single-block width paths to connect long-distance rails or pathways together are not allowed, even if “temporary.” Please collect all of the necessary building materials before creating large, map-sprawling structures.
Do not use Hacks, Exploits, or Banned Mods
Clients and client mods that provide minimaps, waypoints, or other minimal gameplay tweaks or enhancement mods are fine. However, using x-ray, flight hacks, speed hacks, autoclicker/macros, and other external tools/mods to gain a gameplay advantage are not allowed. Don't use automated accounts (aka bots) for any purpose.
Reversing the seed for an advantage will result in punishment. Please use our world map toif locateyou're pointslooking for a particular structure or point of interest easily. interest.
Avoiding our AFK kick is generally considered cheating and may result in a warning. Using an automated means to accomplish this (such as an auto clicker or anti-afk bot of some kind) will result in more severe punishments typically.
Use of an alt as a bot, or even running a bot on your main account, is not allowed. Do not use Baritone on our servers. All inputs made in the game should be made by a real human being.
Do not abuse duplication bugs or other exploits withinin Minecraft.the game for your own gain. If you discover an issue that could duplicate items, give players an infinite amount of resource, or otherwise seems broken, please report the issue for a reward.
No Griefing or Stealing
This is not an anarchy server. All player-made builds and creations should not be touched unless you have permission. This includes adding things onto these builds, such as modifying someone's build during a build event or digging a large moat around someone's claim. If it's not yours, don't mess with it.
Unclaimed chests, shulkers, furnaces, and other containers should not be used if they're not yours. You're welcome to use Ender Chests in other players claims, though. Don't kill named mobs for any reason - we have logs on that kind of thing.
Lava casts are almost always not allowed and will result in bans, especially if they impact another player's base. The only exception would be using them as a way to frame out a large structure, though please attempt to clean up your mess before logging off. Giant cobblestone pyramids are an eyesore no matter where they are and should not be made.
In general, don't do anything to deliberately annoy or take from someone else. Don't steal mobs, don't let them out of their cage, don't abuse glitchesgaps in their claims, and don't make ugly stuff.
Don't intentionally cause lag
Building lag machines or abusing bugs in the game forto anotherwise advantagedegrade other player's experience is not allowed. Doing this will result in mining.permanent Reportban all- exploitsit thatisn't providefunny. anParticularly advantageserver-intensive builds or farms may be disabled / nerfed if they're causing a ton of lag or otherwise making it hard for others to theplay.
Do not avoidevade our AFK kick system. Do not AFK fish. bans
Ban Doevasion not use mini-map plugins to assist with caving, avoiding lava, or provide any other means of advantage over users without the mod. You should only use these mods as maps, not as tools to find things you didn’t know existed.
For more details on allowed or disallowed mods, please keep up to date with our Restricted or Banned Mods list.
Don't intentionally lag the server
Avoid automated farming as much as possible. Farms should be made atis a reasonablesevere scaleoffense and kept manual for harvesting. Excessive mobs or piston/block/door movements will lag the server during peak hours, so avoid farms requiring redstone or high mob counts.
Building lag machines will result in a permanent ban (it'sfor notall aof jokeyour ORaccounts, funny). Redstone contraptions will be disabledeven if requiredyou towere preventonly serverbanned lag.
Dowait notout buildtemp farms at spawn,bans, or inappeal high-trafficif areas.needed. Farms in these areas will be disabled by staff by whatever means required. High entity counts in high-traffic areasWe are afar majorless contributorflexible towith lagappeals andfor willplayers notwho behave toleratedban evaded in the interestpast.
To aavoid smoothpotential playingpunishments experience.down Buildthe allroad, typesplease ofreport farmsanyone faryou away from cities and spawn. This includes villager trading areas! Automatic farms near spawnknow or high traffic areas will be removed.
Do not AFK at farms of any kind. If you need to keep something loaded, build it near where you personally play. Don’t build contraptions to avoid our AFK kick at your farm. If you need to stop playing while at a farm, disconnect from the server.
Respect staff and their decisions
Staff on the server will, as required, issue punishments and warnings. These staff actions are deliberate and are in response to actions taken by community members. However, some bans have reasons other than cheating or griefing. Toxicity, causing significant drama, bigotry, or harassment are all reasons for bans.
For privacy reasons, we typically do not disclose the reasons for punishments to anyone other than the banned user. We also do not share the names of staff members involved in punishing any given user.
Any builds, books, signage, or other user creations depicting, referencing, or alluding to banned users may be removed at any time at the discretion of the staff team. Users foundsuspect to be intentionallyban generating content referencing banned users may be punished, upevading to a ban. Punishment severity is determined case-by-case. staff.
Discussion of banned users in chat and voice chat is perfectly okay, but please remain respectful, do not spread false information, and keep it to a minimum. If you object to your punishment, please make a ticket in our Discord. Arguing about punishments in server chat is not allowed as it is extremely disruptive.
Follow all usual Twitch chat rules
Excessive foul language, any use of slurs or other Twitch-banned terms, and spam are not allowed and will more than likelymay result in apunishment. ban. Excessively edgyEdgy jokes about sensitive topics (suicide, shootings, racism, etc) aremay notresult allowed.
ban. Hate symbolssymbols, nazi symbolism, and any otherwise anti-semiticsemetic imagery/allusions/themed builds/jokes will resultlead into a permanent ban. DoAll notof buildthese anythingrules also apply to voice chat!
Anything that shouldn't be or cannot be shown on Twitch.Twitch Theseshould rulesnot applybe built. Keep it appropriate to voicestream, chatand askeep well!it Dolight.
Respect violatestaff theseand rulestheir indecisions
Staff on the server attake anyactions timenecessary to keep our server a chill place to play Minecraft. These actions are in response to things done by other members of the community and youare WILLlogged, beas reported!well as reviewed. For privacy, we will not share the reasons for punishments with anyone other than who the punishment was issued to. We also do not disclose who issued the punishment originally.
Advertisingcontent willin potentiallythe server depicting or alluding to banned users may result in a temporarypunishment ban, especially if done so duringand a CallMeCarson Livestream. Avoid discussing controversial topics in chat, and please be respectfulremoval of otherthe streamerscontent. andIntentionally contentdoing creators.this Discussionfor of"drama" streamer dramapurposes will likely result in a ban, especially if you're trying to assist a banned user in communicating with someone on the server.
Arguing about punishments in server chat is not allowed. Please make a ticket in the CMC Discord if you disagree with a particular punishment that was issued.
SMPOnline Rules
These rules only apply to SMPOnline and not any events.
Avoid lagging the server
This rule is likely to be changed in Season 5 with the switch to Folia.
Automated farms are extremely laggy, especially when a lot of players are online. Anything utilizing redstone, temporarily flowing liquids, pistons, or block updates to automatically farm a material should only operate when manually turned on. Even small scale versions of these farms can cause lag due to many different players building them, so try to avoid them.
Keep your mob counts reasonable. High mob counts (such as entity cramming farms, or a billion chickens over a hopper) are not allowed and will result in your farm being deleted or otherwise rendered useless. Use this image as a guideline.
Keep mob farms / villager trading halls away from spawn or towns. These structures are a large contributor to server lag. Even small farms like this add up rather quickly with over 100 players online. Villagers may be disabled or removed if too close to high traffic areas. Mob farms may be disabled or removed by staff if they're an issue - especially if they're automated, like an automatic iron farm.
Machines utilizing hoppers are quite laggy and should be kept to a minimum. Running a large-scale hopper sorting machine can cause a ton of server lag, so we don't recommend building them. Using a hopper for converting concrete powder to concrete is known to be laggy as well.
Don't block villagers with trap doors because this is also very laggy due to issues with Villager pathing on the version the server is on. Please stick to full blocks wherever possible. Your villagers will be automatically disabled if they attempt to path through a trapdoor.
Don't make disruptive builds
Avoid blocking rivers and waterways with bridges or walls. If you do terraforming to completely eliminate a river, that's perfectly fine, but don't obstruct a path players might be taking with boats. The minimum gap between water and your bridge for it to be allowed is 1.5 blocks, aka a full air block and the underside of a top slab. Try to leave more room than this, and please don't make the underside of your bridge a dark hazard where mobs can spawn. Don't leave temporary river bridges in the water.
Don't build huge, ugly pathways/railways/highways through the sky. If you're slowly making progress on a large scale build like this, do your best to use high quality materials. Your infrastructure should look good - not like some kind of temporary scaffolding. Ensure you have enough materials to finish the sections of your infrastructure you've started before you create a build crossing thousands of blocks.
Don't grief other players
Building player killing traps to collect their items is not allowed. If these traps are built and used, you may be banned from the server. Pranking your friends is fine, but building a trap that someone could accidentally stumble into is not. If staff have to be called to resolve this kind of situation, punishments are likely to be issued.
Don't randomly kill or attack players with PVP enabled. There should be a reason why you're attacking someone else if you are. It should be a mutual effort. Killing other players to take their items is not allowed - return people's stuff. Don't steal items from players who died in front of you. Do your best to avoid picking up their death loot.
In general, don't make it difficult for another player to have fun.
Don't abuse our claim system
We've had numerous issues with claims over few years we've ran SMPOnline. Here's what isn't cool to do.
Do not claim limited structures and restrict access to them, such as strongholds or ancient cities. These areas are public resources and should be kept available for all players to use and benefit from. You're welcome to raid them for resources, but don't prevent others from entering. Keep in mind - claims, by default, prevent players from modifying blocks in that area. If you've claimed a stronghold, it's ideal to provide an easy-to-find, public entrance for it.
Don't claim natural resources just to claim them. If you're building a base at a dungeon or trial chamber - cool. If not, don't claim it. Claims preventing access to these things with no obvious player build, or an insignificant amount of progress after request, will be removed.
Don't claim large portions of land around a town or base. Don't claim other people's builds, either. Leave other players private bases alone.
Claiming land at spawn to sell, loan, give out, or otherwise offer to other players is not allowed. Only claim what you plan to use for your own builds. Our claim system allows you to make subclaims - however, this system is not intended to be used as town or HOA-like management. This may change in Season 5, but for now, please abide by this rule.
Claiming land solely to sell it to other players for in-game currency or items is not allowed. If you have no intent to build at a location, do not claim there. If you change your mind, unclaim the land or give it to someone you know. Don't try and market it for sale.
Don't force other players to have their base claimed by you. Let players claim their own builds. You should use our claim transfer system to make them the owner of the claim upon request. Alternatively, you may simply unclaim the land if needed. Note that this rule doesn't apply for, example, basing with other people or having your friend's base claimed for them.
Don't claim a large amount of land nearby spawn. There is limited real estate near spawn for player builds. Please be considerate of other players and limit the amount of land you or your group has claimed to mirror that of other players. Claiming large amounts of land for a potential town should not be done within 800 blocks (50 chunks) of spawn.
Do not adjust your claim lower than it needs to be. Our claims, by default, only extend down to y=30. If you're basing lower than that, feel free to extend your claim. Otherwise, leave this value what it normally is. Our default limit is at y=30 to allow players to mine and otherwise explore the underground without being impeded by player bases constantly. If you do this for no reason, you may be punished.
Creative Event Rules
These rules only apply to our Creative mode events and nothing else.
Do not spawn in buggy items
Creating bugged out items, such as splash potions that kill creative players, is not allowed. We've taken a number of measures to prevent players from spawning in such resources, but we'd prefer if you just don't try it out. Anything else that may be disruptive (such as an extremely loud noise maker, an entity spawner, or anything that crashes players) is not allowed.
Don't be obnoxiously loud
Music machines are fine, though it's likely they'll stop functioning properly if TPS degrades enough. Anything else that's intended to be loud should not be built as it's going to be removed / disabled by staff.
Abuse of goat horns will result in a punishment - probably a temp ban if we can't mute it for whatever reason.
If you're being wicked annoying in VC you're just going to get muted or banned. Don't harass staff to unmute you during the event unless you were simply muted incorrectly.
Leave other player's stuff alone
Putting random stuff on other player's builds is not allowed. Every build in the event should be built to the intent of the person who made it, untainted by others. If you accidentally break someone's build, try and fix it or ask staff for help fixing it. In general, though, do your own thing!
Competitive Event Rules
These rules only apply to events we run where players are directly competing for a reward of some kind. Note that many punishments that occur during competitive events are only temporary.
Follow all event rules
It's critical that you review any specific rules laid out at the beginning of an event before participating. Failure to follow these rules may result in a ban or disqualification.
Absolutely no cheating
Almost all players on our servers play the game legit and per our rules. However, those of you who choose to cheat to try and get an advantage will be banned. Report anyone you think is cheating in the event to staff immediately to avoid potential punishment and penalties due to your association with them.